Childcare in Wigston

Find affordable babysitters, nannies, childminders & au pairs near you - select from 3,959 local child carers.

When do you need childcare?
Jade-Leigh H.
  • From £10 /hr
  • Oadby and Wigston
Hello, my name is Jade. I am a caring and patient individual with a pleasant and polite manner.
| I hold a level 3 certificate in Childcare and Education with other supporting qualifications such Paediatric First Aid. I have 8years experience in this profession with just a 2 year period out to gain other qualifications. In my experience ive found that nanny work as been the preferred, i feel like I can give more time and really develop a realationship with children and trust with parents. My aim is to always ensure children have fun whilst learning and growing as individuals as well as feel loved and cared for. I'm able to organise activities, support development, manage behaviour, safe guard and provide a balanced diet and promote independence.
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  • From £10 /hr
  • Oadby and Wigston
Hello, my name is Jade. I am a caring and patient individual with a pleasant and polite manner.
| I hold a level 3 certificate in Childcare and Education with other supporting qualifications such Paediatric First Aid. I have 8years experience in this profession with just a 2 year period out to gain other qualifications. In my experience ive found that nanny work as been the preferred, i feel like I can give more time and really develop a realationship with children and trust with parents. My aim is to always ensure children have fun whilst learning and growing as individuals as well as feel loved and cared for. I'm able to organise activities, support development, manage behaviour, safe guard and provide a balanced diet and promote independence.
... more
From £10 per hour
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FAQs for finding childcare in Wigston

How much does it cost in 2024 to hire a childcare provider in Wigston?

Hiring someone on to provide childcare services will cost an average of £11.78 per hour as of May 2024. This rate may vary depending on the experience each childcare provider has, how many kids you will need them to watch, the age of your children, and whether you need part-time or full-time childcare.

How can I find childcare help near me? currently has 3,959 childcare providers Wigston. You can search for childcarers by their distance from Wigston and by hourly pay rate. Then you can compare their experience, specific services they offer and what age groups of kids they specialise in caring for. You can also read reviews from other families in Wigston that have worked with the childcarers you're interested in.

What interview questions should I ask a childcare provider?

You want to find a childcare provider that will get along with your kids, but also follows many of the same parenting ideas you have. Structure your questions around how your kids behave in certain situations and what the provider thinks is the best action to take. And because there are plenty of activities to do in Wigston, you should ask questions about the fun things each childcare provider would do to keep your kids happy and entertained. Finally, ask each provider about their past childcare experience, references from other families in Wigston and if they are certified in first aid.
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Childcare in Wigston

When do you need childcare?